
How To Remineralize Water After Reverse Osmosis (RO)

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When you purify your drinking water with any good reverse osmosis water filtration system, it removes up to 90% of the minerals that lower down the pH level.

Some people prefer to drink a high pH level in the water, which is why they switch to remineralize their RO water.

While not many people know that they can remineralize water, there are still many others looking for ways to Remineralize RO water.

Remineralization is super easy if you know how it is done through different means. The question here arises, why do you need to remineralized water when it is already purified?

This article covers the answer to all your questions that you get to drink healthy water having all the components and minerals that are essential for your better health.

Reasons To Remineralize Water 

When you use reverse osmosis filters, they remove not only the harmful bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants, but also the essential minerals.

The following are the major reasons why people want to remineralize their reverse osmosis water:

Quenches Thirst Effectively

Ionized water makes hydration possible that helps you quench your thirst faster without drinking more than what the body needs. 

When the pH level in water is increased, it automatically becomes ionized. You can also be sure of the safety of Remineralized water because it carries safe electrolytes.

Contains Useful Minerals

Calcium, magnesium, and sodium are the most essential minerals present in water. RO filters remove those minerals as well.

Fact! When you remineralized the water, it brings back essential minerals.

Calcium, for example, is very important for women because its deficiency causes bones weakness and osteoporosis. Sodium is another essential mineral to keep the body function normally. It helps regulate blood pressure. 

It Tastes Better

Remineralized water will automatically taste better because it becomes the perfect blend of quality and purification. This water is perfect for making tea, brewing coffee, preparing baby food, and cooking.

When you will drink water after demineralization, you will feel the difference in the taste and crisp of the water. 

Guide To Remineralize Water After Reverse Osmosis (RO)

Remineralization is not to prove that the filtered RO water isn’t safe to drink or is unhealthy. It just further improves the already purified water so that you don’t have any doubt about the quality of the water.

There isn’t only one way to remineralize the water. The following are some of the easiest and cost-effective ways to remineralize your reverse osmosis water.

1. Use Himalayan Salt

Himalayan salt is a great, easiest, and most cost-effective source to remineralize your reverse osmosis water. Just add Himalayan or rock salt in each gallon of filtered water and it will regain the minerals again.

Note! Make sure you don’t use regular salt because it won’t do any good.

Himalayan salt won’t change the taste of water, but its mineral richness will bring back all the minerals in the water.

Using this method doesn’t only benefit you in remineralizing water but it has other benefits such as:

  • Sinus problem relief 
  • Weight loss
  • Lowers high blood pressure
  • Better respiratory functions

2. Alkaline Water Pitcher

Use an alkaline water pitcher and you will not have to do anything else. Just store your water in the alkaline water pitcher and it will automatically bring back all the minerals in it.

Nonetheless, it is a much costly method to mineralize water than all the other ones. If you already have an alkaline pitcher at your home, it is good.

However, consider using affordable methods instead of spending more than your budget, but it is also a good choice for long-term use.

3. Add An Alkalization Stage To Your RO System

Tip! It is recommended to by a reverse osmosis system that gets shipped with alkalization stage in it.

If your filter doesn’t come with that stage, you can easily add it. This stage looks almost like a filter attachment that carries all the useful minerals in it. You can also see some of the best RO Systems reviewed here.

When the water is under the filtration process, it passes through this alkaline filter that adds the minerals back in it. As the water passes through this filter, the minerals will dissolve in it so that you get a wholesome drinking experience.

4. Green Blends 

Green blends are the minerals that are extracted from plants and vegetables. You can find a wide range of these minerals and they are good for your health as well.

However, they can get quite expensive for the budget because they are made from vegetables.

Important! They might change the taste of the water that you won’t like.

So, it is better to increase your vegetable intake instead of using green blends for remineralizing water.

More : PUR Vs Brita Faucet Filter Comparison [2020]

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