Water Softeners

Will a Water Softener Remove Calcium Buildup? (How it Works)

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One thing is for sure when you have calcium buildup on your water pipes, you do not want to ignore it. The problem only gets worse and more expensive to fix as time goes by. Also, if you live in an area of the country with hard water, you know that limescale buildup is an ongoing issue in your home.

Water softeners are not a cure-all for every type of water problem, but they can be helpful in reducing or eliminating calcium buildup.

A water softener will not remove existing calcium deposits from your pipes, but it will prevent new deposits from forming. If you have severe calcium buildup, you may need to consult a professional plumber to discuss your options for removing it.

What is Hard Water?

What is Hard Water?

Hard water is water that contains high levels of dissolved minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. These minerals can come from a variety of sources, including groundwater, surface water, and even your municipal water supply. Hard water is not necessarily unsafe to drink, but it can cause a number of problems in your home, such as limescale buildup on your pipes and fixtures.

Effects of Hard Water

Hard water can cause a number of problems in your home, including:

  • Limescale buildup on your pipes and fixtures
  • Dull laundry
  • Soap scum buildup in your shower or tub
  • Dry skin and hair

While hard water is not necessarily unsafe to drink, it can be unpleasant to drink water that tastes or smells like metal. Additionally, hard water can cause your plumbing to become clogged over time.

How to Solve the Hard Water Issue

How to Solve the Hard Water Issue

There are a few different ways to solve the hard water issue:

Install a water softener:

A water softener will not remove existing calcium deposits from your pipes, but it will prevent new deposits from forming.

Use descaling solutions:

Descaling solutions are designed to remove existing calcium deposits from your pipes. However, they are not a preventative measure and will not prevent new deposits from forming.

Consult a professional:

If you have severe calcium buildup, you may need to consult a professional plumber to discuss your options for removing it.

While there is no perfect solution to the hard water issue, installing a water softener is the best way to prevent future calcium buildup. Additionally, using descaling solutions can help remove existing calcium deposits from your pipes. If you have severe calcium buildup, you may need to consult a professional plumber to discuss your options for removing it.

How to Choose a Water Softener System?

How to Choose a Water Softener System?

When choosing a water softener system, there are a few things you will need to consider:

The size of your home:

The size of your home will determine the size and capacity of the water softener system you will need.

The hardness of your water:

The hardness of your water will determine the type of water softener system you will need.

Your budget:

Your budget will determine the price of the water softener system you will need. Once you have considered these factors, you will be able to choose the best water softener system for your home.

Nine Steps To Remove Calcium Buildup In Your Water Pipes

Remove Calcium Buildup In Your Water Pipes

If you have calcium buildup in your water pipes, you will need to take action to remove it. Here are nine steps you can take to remove calcium buildup:

1. Remove any aerators from your faucets and soak them in vinegar overnight.

2. Fill a pot with water and vinegar and boil it on the stove.

3. Pour the boiling water and vinegar mixture down the drain.

4. Repeat steps 2-3 until the calcium buildup is gone.

5. Flush the pipes with clean water to remove any residual vinegar.

6. Fill a pot with water and baking soda and boil it on the stove.

7. Pour the boiling water and baking soda mixture down the drain.

8. Repeat steps 6-7 until the calcium buildup is gone.

9. Flush the pipes with clean water to remove any residual baking soda.

If you follow these steps, you will be able to remove calcium buildup from your water pipes.

Having A Water Softener Can Also Remove Iron And Manganese Build-Up In Pipes:

In addition to calcium, hard water can also contain iron and manganese. These minerals can also cause build-up in your pipes over time. If you have a water softener, it will remove these minerals from your water and prevent them from causing build-up in your pipes.

How Does Hardness Build-Up In Pipes Anyway?

Hard water contains minerals like calcium and magnesium. When hard water is heated, the minerals can form a scale on the inside of pipes. This scale can cause the pipes to become clogged over time. Additionally, the scale can insulate the pipes, which can lead to lower water pressure.


Installing a water softener is the best way to prevent calcium buildup in your pipes. Additionally, using descaling solutions can help remove existing calcium deposits from your pipes. If you have severe calcium buildup, you may need to consult a professional plumber to discuss your options for removing it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does soft water dissolve calcium?

No, soft water will not dissolve calcium. However, it will prevent new calcium deposits from forming. Additionally, using descaling solutions can help remove existing calcium deposits from your pipes.

What is the best way to remove calcium buildup?

The best way to remove calcium buildup is to install a water softener. Additionally, using descaling solutions can help remove existing calcium deposits from your pipes. If you have severe calcium buildup, you may need to consult a professional plumber to discuss your options for removing it.

Does water softener remove sediment?

No, a water softener will not remove sediment. However, it will prevent new sediment from forming. Additionally, using descaling solutions can help remove existing sediment from your pipes. If you have severe sediment buildup, you may need to consult a professional plumber to discuss your options for removing it.

Why is calcium bad for plumbing?

Calcium is bad for plumbing because it can cause build-up in pipes over time. This build-up can lead to lower water pressure and clogged pipes. Additionally, the calcium deposits can insulate the pipes, which can make it more difficult for hot water to flow through them.

How do I stop calcium buildup in my toilet?

The best way to stop calcium buildup in your toilet is to install a water softener. Additionally, using descaling solutions can help remove existing calcium deposits from your toilet. If you have severe calcium buildup, you may need to consult a professional plumber to discuss your options for removing it.

What will dissolve calcium deposits?

There are many products on the market that claim to dissolve calcium deposits. However, the most effective way to remove calcium buildup is to install a water softener.

Additionally, using descaling solutions can help remove existing calcium deposits. If you have severe calcium buildup, you may need to consult a professional plumber to discuss your options for removing it.

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