Water Softeners

What Size Water Softener for A Family Of 4? (Simple Hack)

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As a family of four, you’re probably using quite a bit of water each day. Between baths, showers, dishes, laundry and everything else, your home’s piping can quickly become overwhelmed without a water softener to help. So what size water softener do you need for a family of four? Let’s take a closer look at the numbers to find out.

The average person uses 80-100 gallons of water per day. A family of four, then, uses an estimated 320-400 gallons each day. That’s a lot of water! And if your home has hard water, it can take its toll on your plumbing. Over time, hard water can cause mineral buildup in your pipes and fixtures, leading to clogs and costly repairs.

So how can you avoid all of this? By installing a water softener, of course! But what size water softener do you need for a family of four? The answer depends on a few factors, including the hardness of your water and the daily usage in your home.

There are many easy ways to tell what size water softener is best for your home.

Think About Consumption

One of the first things you should consider is your family’s daily water usage. As we mentioned before, the average person uses 80-100 gallons per day. But that number can be higher or lower depending on your family’s habits.

For example, do you have a baby in the house? Babies typically use less water than adults because they don’t take baths as often. On the other hand, if you have teenagers in the house, they may be taking multiple showers each day. This can quickly increase your water usage.

Other factors that can affect your water consumption include:

  • Doing laundry every day
  • Washing dishes by hand
  • Watering plants or a garden

Consider Water Hardness

Consider Water Hardness

The hardness of your water is another important factor to consider when choosing a water softener. The hardness of your water is measured in grains per gallon (GPG).

The U.S. Geological Survey reports that the vast majority of Americans have what’s considered “hard” water. This means their water has a hardness level of 3.5 GPG or higher.

water is considered “very hard” and anything over 10.5 GPG is considered “extremely hard.”

If you’re not sure what the hardness of your water is, you can contact your local water utility company. They should be able to give you a report of your water’s hardness level.

Another option is to buy a water hardness test kit from your local hardware store. This is a quick and easy way to test the hardness of your water at home.

Know the Rates of Water Softener Regeneration

Know the Rates of water softener Regeneration

Once you know your water hardness and daily usage, you can begin to narrow down what size of a water softener is best for your family. To do this, you need to know the rates of regeneration for different-sized water softeners.

The rate of regeneration is how often a water softener regenerates or “recharges.” This is when the water softener removes the minerals from the water and flushes them down the drain.

The regeneration rate is typically measured in gallons per minute (GPM). A water softener with a higher GPM will recharge more quickly than one with a lower GPM.

For example, let’s say you have a family of four and your water hardness is 10 GPG. Based on your water usage, you’ll need a water softener that can regenerate at least every 3 days.

If you choose a water softener with a regeneration rate of 8 GPM, it will take about 45 minutes to recharge. But if you choose a water softener with a regeneration rate of 12 GPM, it will only take about 30 minutes to recharge.

The Benefits of Water Softeners

There are many benefits of installing a water softener in your home, including:

  • Saving money on plumbing repairs
  • Extending the life of your appliances
  • Improving the taste of your water
  • Making your skin and hair softer

If you have a family, these benefits are even more important. That’s because hard water can take a toll on your plumbing and appliances, leading to costly repairs.

Installing a water softener is an easy way to protect your home and save money in the long run.

How to Know The Right Size Of Water Softener For Your Family?

How to Know The Right Size Of Water Softener For Your Family?

The first step is to determine the hardness of your water. You can do this by testing your water at home with a water hardness test kit or by asking your local water utility company for the information.

Once you know the hardness of your water, you can calculate the daily softening requirement for your family. For example, if you have very hard water (10 grains per gallon), you’ll need a water softener that can soften at least 40 grains per day. But if you have only moderately hard water (5 grains per gallon), you’ll need a water softener that can soften 20 grains per day.

Now that you know the daily softening requirement for your family, you can choose a water softener that can meet that demand. For example, the GE 40,000 Grain Water Softener can soften up to 80 gallons per hour and has a capacity of 640 grains. This is more than enough for a family of four with very hard water.


Based on the hardness of your water and the daily usage of your family, you can begin to narrow down what size water softener is best for your home. It is important to consider the regeneration rate when choosing a water softener so that you can choose one that will fit the needs of your family. There are many benefits to installing a water softener in your home, including saving money on plumbing repairs and extending the life of your appliances.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How often does a water softener need to regenerate?

The regeneration rate is typically measured in gallons per minute (GPM). A water softener with a higher GPM will recharge more quickly than one with a lower GPM. For example, let’s say you have a family of four and your water hardness is 10 GPG. Based on your water usage, you’ll need a water softener that can regenerate at least every 3 days.

How much does a water softener cost?

Water softeners range in price from $200 to $600, depending on the size and features.

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