
3 Top Tips to Make Working from Home More Enjoyable

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Some people, simply could not deal with the idea of no longer having a set routine to their day and a working schedule to adhere to no matter how they feel. Yet, for others, working from home has been the best decision they have made in their working lifetime.

If you, by choice or due to the changing nature of your professional role, are now working from home either all the time or part of the time, then you have clicked on the right article.

Here are the three top tips to make working from home significantly more enjoyable. 

1.Create a Sensory Experience 

First and foremost, just because the vast majority of workplaces center around grey buildings with muted carpets and dull landscapes, this in no way means you need to recreate such an aesthetic in your home office.

Instead, spend time creating a sensory experience within the space. While not going so far as to make yourself overstimulated and distracted, artwork in your peripheral vision, photographs on the desk, and brightly painted walls are all fabulous ways of personalizing your office. 

Additional suggestions for creating a more enjoyable vista include the following:

  • Ensuring there is enough daylight streaming into the room
  • Burning oil or a candle with a scent you find appealing 
  • Compile a playlist of easy-listening tunes to play in the background
  • Have everything neat, tidy, and organized to minimize your stress levels 

2. Make Your Coffee Breaks Mean Something!

When working in a traditional office setting, whether taking a coffee break in the staff room or simply making a drink and returning to your desk, this rarely deserves the title ‘break’ and is usually accompanied by work in some context.

At home, you have now been presented with an opportunity to make your coffee break count. Especially in the summer months, having your fifteen minutes outside in the garden, or at least away from your computer, will do wonders for your levels of motivation and general emotional wellbeing.

Moreover, you could even enjoy browsing the vast and impressive selection of sleek and functional coffee machines and treat yourself to a barista-style coffee at a fraction of the price. 

3. Bring the Outside In!

The third most important change to make to your home office space for a more enjoyable and relaxing working environment conducive to focus and concentration is to introduce some indoor plants into the room. 

Naturally, it would help if you chose the types of plants that thrive in an indoor environment, such as peace lilies, snake plants, rubber plants, ferns, spider plants, and Chinese evergreens are all suited to warmer climates and do not need a huge amount of light to grow. 

Indoor plants in your office will not only boost the aesthetics of the space but will also improve air quality, sharpen your motivation levels and help you to maintain a positive and proactive approach to your working day. 

By following these simple tips, you can make your working day more enjoyable when you are at home.

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